Technology is an inevitable part of our pupil’s lives and this will increase as they get older and further advances are made. Our intention is that our pupils become confident masters of technology. We strive to teach our pupils how to use technology purposefully, safely, responsibly and positively. Our Computing curriculum encompasses computer science, information technology and digital literacy. We aim to ensure all of our pupils understand how to keep themselves safe when using technology, particularly when using the internet. We intend to instil the skills required for the world of social media, the internet and behaving responsibly online so that when pupils are using devices at an age appropriate level they understand how to act. We aim to develop pupil’s reasoning and problem-solving skills. Not only does this develop computational understanding but it is also utilised in many other subject areas and everyday life. Staff and pupils are encouraged to utilise technology throughout the curriculum to support daily so that learning is accessible, creative and engaging.
We use the National Teach Computing scheme of work as the basis for our curriculum. In EYFS, technology and devices are used as part of continuous provision to allow for exploration and understanding of basic skills. In Years 1 to 4, pupils learn a variety of skills including digital writing, digital photography, animation, programming and creating pictures. Pupils are assessed using Teach Computing which relates to the National Curriculum. Online safety is a priority and pupils are taught how to stay safe both through our computing curriculum and PSHE lessons. as well as acknowledging online safety day each year.
After the implementation of Computing, our pupils will become digitally literate citizens, which will enable them to operate comfortably in the future working world, and do so safely. We want pupils to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to be safe online and know how deal with issues if they arise.