Welcome from the Head
I warmly, welcome you to our website and hope if you are a visitor, that our website will give you a flavour of what we do.
We are part of the Wessex Multi Academy Trust - a multi academy trust that is made up of a collection of local schools. This is a tight pyramid of schools whose aim is to secure a smooth transition across the school phases that enables all the children to thrive.
We are proud of our school, its church heritage and the community we serve. We aim to inspire our children to learn and to see themselves as active learners with an infinite capacity to improve. We do this in a safe and caring environment based on Christian principles where individual progress is celebrated and community, creativity and kindness are valued.
As you look through our pages you will find key information and policies as well as reports and photographs from the children about their learning. If you already have a child at the school, you will find all the information you need here, as well as links to some of the amazing learning the children have been undertaking.
I hope that by looking at our website that you will be inspired by the learning and community here and visits from prospective parents and carers are always warmly welcomed.
I look forward to meeting you.
Mrs A Seal - Headteacher