School Closure
We will always endeavour to stay open to ensure that your child’s education is not disrupted. However, we need to be mindful of staff travelling from a variety of locations that may have different weather conditions to Puddletown, and we need to ensure the staff to pupil ratio is adequate. We will also be guided by the bus companies' assessments and that of County. We also need to consider the safety of the school site. If it becomes necessary to close the school, then the procedure will be as follows.
You will be contacted via email as soon as we have made the difficult decision to close the school. This will advise you that the school is either closed at the start of the day or is closing during the day due to worsening conditions. If the school is forced to close during the day, and you are delayed in collecting your child, please contact the office as soon as possible and be assured that a member of staff will always stay with the children.
In the event of a school closure before the start of the school day, our school website will be updated with details and the Dorset County Council website will be updated to advise of closure. This can be found on the link below.
If there is any snow in the night or morning, then breakfast club will not run on that day, and you should not drop your child off at school. This is because we cannot guarantee that a member of staff will be at school in time, and we may still be assessing whether the school will open for the day.
Our preference will always be to remain open to continue with lessons and have some time to play in the snow! Therefore, if we do have snow, or it looks likely, please ensure that your child comes to school equipped with wellies, gloves/ waterproofs etc to enjoy the snow.