Special educational needs Information
The SENco for Puddletown first school is Miss J.Cutler
Please contact the SENco via the school office email address; office@puddletownfirst.dorset.sch.uk
Please read the following information to find out more about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) local offer provision at Puddletown CE First School.
Please also see the following:
SEND Policy
Accessibility Plan
Medical Conditions Policy
Intimate Care Policy
Everyone involved in the life of the school work together as a team to provide an inclusive, happy, safe and stimulating environment in which your child can learn, grow and flourish.
We have high ambitions for all our pupils and aim to nurture each child as an individual, enabling them to achieve their full potential and prepare them for the years that lie ahead as they grow into young adults.
The school and preschool has experience of working with children with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), including those with speech and language difficulties and learning needs in Literacy and Numeracy, as well as Autism. We have SEND supportive, universal provision in place in all classes because good send teaching practices benefit all pupils. Puddletown First school is not a specialised base for a particular SEND but is able to accommodate a range of needs as required. All staff are kept up to date with continuing professional development training for working with and providing the best opportunities for all children including those with SEND needs.
We work in partnership with parents, specialist advisors, the Local Authority, National Health Service and other external agencies to achieve the best outcomes for the child.
What do I do if I think my child requires extra support?
All children are regularly monitored, and extra support needs are quickly identified within school and communicated with parents. However, if you have concerns about your child's progress, then the first point of contact will be the class teacher. Class teachers and the SENCO meet regularly to discuss pupils' progress and extra support needs. All children on the SEND register will be tracked and monitored by the school SENCO and effective support strategies identified and regularly discussed with all staff and parents.
If your child is identified as requiring additional support a meeting between parents and the school will be arranged to discuss how we can support them further. Whole class teaching can be adapted so that they can learn alongside their peers. In addition, small group or individual interventions may be timetabled to address specific needs. Some children may also require specialist assessments to identify further any underlying Special Educational Need and /or Disability.
Transition between settings
The school works closely with the staff of preschools, schools and the local middle schools to enable a smooth transition for a child when transferring to another setting.
When a child is recognised as having SEND they will be recorded on the school SEND register using the following codes:
Child identified as requiring additional SEND support within school |
K |
Child identified as requiring SEND support with involvement from outside agencies |
Child has an existing Statement of Education |
Child has an Education Health and Care Plan |
Area of Need |
Cognition and Learning |
Communication and Language |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health |
wessex/puddletown special needs and disability policy review June 25
wessex/puddletown supporting pupils with medical needs review May 25
pupils with health needs attendance policy puddletown review oct 25
puddletown/wessex accessibility plan review may 27
Puddletown Intimate_Care Policy review 2027.pdf
- https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/children-families/sen-and-disability-local-offer/dorsets-local-offer