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Through our carefully planned sequence of lessons, which provide an introduction to the culture of French speaking countries and communities, we aim to foster children’s curiosity and help deepen their understanding of the world. Our curriculum has been chosen to allow opportunities for children to gradually build on their skills. Each sequence enables children to express their ideas and thoughts in French and provides opportunities to interact and communicate with others both in speech and in writing. Children will acquire basic skills and understanding of French with a strong emphasis placed on developing their Speaking and Listening skills.



We follow the Twinkl PlanIt units of French. This offers a comprehensive progression through the key skills required in the National Curriculum, with opportunities to extend children’s vocabulary and knowledge. All children in KS2 are taught French in a weekly discreet lesson.

The introduction of key vocabulary and grammatical structures is built into each lesson. Lessons are then sequenced so that prior learning is considered and opportunities for revision of language and grammar are built in. We aim to have a consistent learning environment with key French vocabulary displayed, spoken and used by all learners.


Year 3 overview

Autumn - Getting to Know You

This Getting to Know You unit will teach your class about basics of the French language. Your class will learn to greet each other, exchange names, ask how someone is, count to 10 and say how old they are.

Spring - All About Me

This All About Me unit will teach your class to understand and follow instructions, name parts of the body, identify colours and say what they are wearing.

Summer - Food, Glorious Food

This Food, Glorious Food unit uses an easy-to-follow story as its inspiration and is designed to develop your class’s learning from the previous Year 3 French units. By joining in with the story, your class will learn the vocabulary for a range of food, to express likes and dislikes and to count and use plural nouns.


Year 4 overview

Autumn - All Around Town

In this All Around Town unit, your class will learn to develop their intercultural understanding by being introduced to the sights of some typical French cities. They will also learn to describe places in a town, count to 100 and give their address in French.

Spring - Going Shopping

In this Going Shopping unit, your class will learn about the shopping experience in France. Children will learn specific vocabulary of fruit, vegetables and clothes. They will learn key phrases or asking the questions needed when going shopping. The unit concludes with a role play lesson, where children will take on the roles of shoppers and shopkeepers.

Summer - Holidays and Hobbies

In this Holidays and Hobbies unit your class will learn key vocabulary related to holidays, weather and seasons, sports and hobbies. They will learn specific vocabulary of how to say what the weather is like, temperatures, names of different sports and hobbies. They will learn key phrases connected to the themes.



Our engaging curriculum will enable all learners to develop the knowledge and skills they need to leave Puddletown First School with a developing understanding of the French culture, French language and a growing confidence to use it in real life situations.

Impact can be measured through:

  • assessing children’s prior knowledge before the unit is taught;
  • key questioning skills built into lessons;
  • worksheets within the lessons to consolidate learning;
  • conducting pupil voice sessions with the children about their learning;
  • “Book looks” with an opportunity for discussion between teachers;
  • end of unit summative assessments.